本研究以量化研究方法,從文獻探討、前後測的過程當中,了解大德國民小學學生體位不佳的因素,根據測驗結果,做綜合歸納統整,並分析與討論,最後提出具體的結果與建議。本研究主要研究目的如下:一、探討健康飲食觀念對體位改變的相關性。二、探討規律運動對體位改變的相關性。本研究在了解學校以健康促進概念推動健康體位介入對於國小四年級體位不佳學生,提升學生健康體位及飲食行為之成效,以作為後續健康體位活動規畫之參考。基於上述研究目的,本研究以教育行動研究法為主要研究方法,專注於健康體位成效在教育方面的具體實現。並以單一組別前後測的準實驗設計進行研究,由該校33位四年級體位不佳學童參與實驗。活動設計分為兩階段進行,第一階段為健康飲食講座-透過活動指導研究對象認識什麼是身體質量指數(BMI)。第二階段為規律運動。本研究以學校健康體位發展相關措施,介入蒐集研究對象前、後測資料。依據文獻及學生前後測結果,分析比較後獲得以下結論:一、健康飲食講座對改善學生對於六大類食物議題之知識、飲食習慣的態度、飲食行為及飲食方式的改善和喝白開水的量均有正向的影響。二、規律運動的確實實施使學生對於費力運動、中等費力運動、走路及久坐看電視、玩電腦、手機等行為改變均有正向的影響。 The purpose of this study was to understand the effectiveness of implementing a healthy posture plan on overweighted students in Dade Elementary School. And the effect of the plan for the students was discussed from the indicators of healthy weight including diertary behavior, physical activity and Body Mass Index (BMI). The Quasi-experimental design was adopted in the study, which took 33 fourth grade overweighted students in Dade Elementary School as subjects. The plan was divided into two phases. The first phase was healthy diet lectures and the second stage was regular exercises. Questionnaire designed by the 2010 effectiveness assessment workshop of health-promoting schools was used as a pretest and a posttest tool in the first phase.The Ministry of Education PACE plan was used in the second phase. Conclusions were made on the basis of literature review and results from pretest and posttest. First, healthy diet lectures had positive influence on increasing knowledge of six group foods and improving behaviors and attitude toward healthy diet of students. Secondly, regular exercise had indeed positive influence on behavior modification in vigorous physical activities, moderate physical activities, walking, sitting too much while watching TV and playing computer games.