在台灣這片土地,有來自不同國家的人民居住在台灣,而我們政府對於這些海外的人民,是否有完善的照顧,由於新住民學生人口從93學年46,411至103學年211,455人,新住民學生人數不斷增加,而他們子女在學校受到的教育,是否有完善的教學課程,讓他們能有學習中文語言與在地文化課程。 由於跨國婚姻父親多半在外地工作,不在家中,子女的教育多半是母親指導,而母親中文能力若不好,對於子女的問題可能沒辦法一一都能回答,可能導致子女學習上缺乏了自信心,作者先前蒐集一些資料,少數影片會記錄新住民子女的教育問題,由於作者生活上經常有機會與新住民接觸,對他們問題亦有所關注,本文以紀錄片方式呈現,最後決定以新住民如何教育子女為紀錄的焦點。 經過一年多的拍攝期,這部影片也終於完成了,在拍攝過程中難免會遇到困難,不過,跟著新住民相處久了,逐漸融入她們的生活環境,經過這部紀錄片,讓觀賞人更瞭解新住民教育子女的重要。 More and more people from different countries living in Taiwan. They are called“New Immigrants.”Their offspring are so-called“New Taiwanese Children.”Is there a perfect care for those immigrants who are from other countries ? During 2004 to 2014, the numbers of New Taiwanese Children are incredibly increased from 46,411 to 211,455. Does the government provide appropriate afterschool care program for those children to learn Chinese and local cultures? Due to most fathers of transnational marries are working far away from home.So childrens’school assignments are usually check by their immigrants’mothers. The lack of language limitation might influence mothers’confidence in supporting children’s school work. May cause low learning motivation and negative attitudes toward their life exploration. The data was collected through interviews with New Immigrants. The documentary film hopes to share how afterschool care program works for those children. After a year of film shooting, the work has done. It’s grateful to everyone for all supports and help. Hoping people to comprehend the importance of education for New Immigrant Children with the film.