本研究以空軍軍官學校正期生為例,旨在了解目前國軍在經費樽節的環境下,各種招生行銷策略中,何種策略對加入國軍有興趣之青年招生較具吸引力,並從各種行銷手法探討是否影響學生再就讀意願。本研究以空軍軍官學校在校生為研究對象,採用問卷調查法方式及相關文獻探討進行研究,受測對象共計588人,回收之問卷計497份,有效問卷計473份,所得資料以描述性統計分析、T考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析與集群分析等方法進行分析,最後,根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以提供國軍後續招生行銷規劃及未來研究之參考。 The main purpose of this study was to understand the current recruit students in a variety of marketing strategies, what strategies join the Air Force Academy of young people are interested in enrollment, more attractive, and to explore the impact from a variety of marketing techniques.The subjectsof this paper arethe Air Force Academy students. In the study, 588 surveys handed out, 497 returned. Excluding of 36 uncompleted responses,461 effective ones are used in this research. The return rate accounts for 78.4%. The goals of this study are:(1)To realize the relationship of marketing strategies and the intention of re-registration.(2)To utilize the T-Test, ANOVA and Cluster method for analysis.(3)Finally , the study wants to provide concrete suggestions to the personnel recruitment-marketing strategy forthe Air Force Academy.