本研究計畫探討優生學的性別論述,企圖從德國的歷史經驗著手,分析現代國家性管制的知識論基礎與立法背景。優生學常被定義為「社會哲學」,帶有建構社會秩序的意涵,它運用一套特定的科學論述設定個人的身體與國家的整體,它的合法性來自於它聲稱可以改進人口的品質並保護其健康。其中最受爭議的是:個人的身體如何被優生學的方法論重新定義?關於人類基因庫的「改良」的定義是什麼,例如,何謂缺陷?何謂優良品種?國家「該」如何進行人口的優質化政策?就性/別治理的角度而言,經由生殖的性,國家的人口群才得以再生,因此它成為國家關注的標的,女人的性則是首要關切點,所以女人的身體與貞節常被視為國家共同體生物上的與道德上的守門員,因此,國家治理中「他者」與「被理想化的自我」如何設定,是本計畫探討的主題。 This research project focuses on the Apocalypse of sexual regulation in Germany the development of eugenics, and the national regulation of gender/sexuality. In Germany, the discourse based on scientific findings and reports on feminist movements of the 20th century in question played an important role in assisting analysis of how scientific knowledge of “gender order” enters the political arena. Medical histories also provided many clues to explore the social philosophy of eugenics, which is a science that focuses on improving population qualities. Additionally, how eugenics and race hygiene facilitated the political management of woman's sexuality will be analyzed.