電子商務不論基礎建設或法規制度皆已完善,全球市場無一不正積極推展電子商務(Electronic Commerce,EC),以期拓展內需與出口。無人能置身於不斷改變與極度競爭的網路經貿環境之外,為因應巨變,企業需能掌握趨勢,隨勢而動。因此,電子化為基的商務模式(eBusiness Model,eBM)創新已是企業改革或新創事業首要之務,一套有效的系統化的創造及改善商務模式的方法有其急迫性。本計畫試圖整合商務模式分析評估的方法,以商務模式畫布(Business Model Canvas,BMC)為基礎,發展一套商務模式評估與建構方法論,協助電子商務模式的評估、再造及新創。另外,在海量資訊的數位網海中,如何快速獲取並善用資訊,使發展之商務模式不具現實認知的落差。因此,本計畫預期發展一套以雲端服務為基之具知識進退演化能力之商務模式知識支援機制,提供服務有:商務模式設計時程管理及程序引導、分散式商務模式協同研發、商業知識自動收集、商務知識庫、及知識演化及推理。藉由本研究能夠協助企業於商務模式設計的同時,隨時獲取產業新知,並將其演化成最新符合時事所需之知識,補足成員認知與真實環境的落差,使能設計出適於未來競爭環境的商務模式。為達上述,本計畫主要任務,簡述如下:(1)電子商務經營策略與問題分析,(2)企業競爭力構面分析,(3)商務模式知識需求分析,(4)商務模式設計方法論發展,(5)商務知識概念網 (BQK-Net)設計,(6)商務知識庫建立,(7)知識搜尋機制總體架構設計,(8)網路知識模糊搜尋方法設計,及(9)多維度知識演化方法設計。 The fundamental infrastructure and regulations regarding electronic commerce (EC) are nearly perfect; all worldwide markets are promoting EC to increase market values and exports to generate economic growth. No person can avoid the ever-changing and extremely upredicatable online economic trade environment. To adapt to these continuing changes, enterprises must be able to seize and adjust to this trend. To reform or innovate their enterprises, EC-based business model (eBM) innovation is a crucial issue. Therefore, a systematic methodology for innovating and improving eBMs is urgently required. In this study, eBM analysis and evaluation methods will be integrated to propose a eBM methodology based on a BM canvas to facilitate evaluating, reengineering, and innovating eBMs. In addition, the cognitions of BM R&D members will be identical to practical implementation if vast amounts of information on the Internet can be rapidly collected, analyzed, learned, and used by the members. Thus, in addition to the methodology, a cloud service-based eBM development support mechanism will be developed to provide knowledge searching and reasoning. The mechanism includes five core services: (1) an adaptive eBM design schedule management and procedure guide service; (2) distributed eBM collaboration R&D service; (3) an automatic business and technology knowledge collection service; (4) a eBM knowledge base service; and (5) a knowledge evolution and reasoning service. The mechanism enables eBM R&D teams to obtain up-to-date industry information regarding their domains and process knowledge reasoning to acquire the latest knowledge, compensating for discrepancies among the cognitions of the members and the actual business environment. A eBM designed by the proposed mechanism is suitable use in competitive environments. To attain the aforementioned objectives, this study involves (1) focusing on EC to conduct strategy and business analyses; (2) analyzing the factors that influence enterprise competitiveness; (3) analyzing knowledge to design eBMs; (4) developing a systematic eBM design methodology; (5) designing and constructing an ontology-based business question and knowledge concept net (BQK-Net); (6) establishing a eBM knowledge base; (7) designing an integrated knowledge search architecture to facilitate the evolution of knowledge; (8) designing an online equivocal knowledge search method; and (9) developing multi-dimensional knowledge reasoning methods.