本研究計畫的主要框架是有關科技(technology)與隱私(privacy)之間關係的探討。其中較為主要的觀點是,科學與技術的發展很大程度上伴隨著人們對於隱私的認知與實作上構成不同程度之變化。本研究計畫將從現象學與社會學理論的觀點,並輔以俗民方法學對於社會成員在日常生活中之實作的探討,以穿戴式科技(wearable technologies)為例,期待對現代社會中科技與隱私之關係有更深入的探究。本研究計畫在過去的研究基礎與觀察上,進一步嘗試提出「隱私實作(doing privacy)」的概念,期待可以適切地理解隱私概念在電子媒介與網際網路時代的呈現,及其與過去關於隱私概念之討論的差異。就本計劃以穿戴式科技具有的特性與開發商所規劃之未來願景具有的特殊性而言,該技術應用涉及之面向不僅止於使用者與開發商,還包括網際網路、新社群媒體、海量資量與分析技術(Big Data and Data Analysis Technologies)、資料探勘(Data Mining)、物聯網(Internet of Things)等面向,這些不同面向的連結主要期待創造一個共享、共創、共生的電子媒介與網際網絡時代。在此時代中,使用者對於隱私概念的認知與實作也發展出其特殊性。本研究計劃即嘗試探究使用者的「隱私實作」是如何透過新技術的使用(或某種程度上是不得不接受)來完成,以及該實作對使用者成員而言具有的意涵。 This research proposal mainly concerns the relationship between technology and privacy. It will focus on the idea that the development of science and technology to a great extent accompanies people's changing recognition of the concept of and the practices of privacy. Starting from Heidegger's viewpoint of the essence of (modern) technology, and from the observation of layperson's daily practices from ethnomethodological perspective, this research proposal will examine further how technology “enframes” people's understanding of privacy and accomplishing of the practices of it, based on the existing researches on privacy and with the example of wearable technologies. This proposal suggests the idea of “doing privacy” to describe a more dynamic and complex situation in which how people recognize and practice privacy. According to the vision offered to the users by technological developers, wearable technology relates not only to the users and developers, a broader areas should also cover the internet, new social media, big data analysis, data mining technologies, the internet of things, and so on. This vision attempts to present a world of interconnection, co-‐sharing, co-‐creation, and co-‐evolution. It is in this foreseeable future that emerges the question concerning technology and its relation to privacy. The goal of this research proposal is to investigate how people's “doing privacy” is accomplished through using new technologies, whether voluntarily or not, and its implications to the world.