養成消費者之重複購買行為,在許多行業被認為是最重要的行銷目的之一,因為重複購買才是市場的利基所在。在美國已經有超過三分之二的人是屬於重複購買者,這些人基於需求,其消費會比過去多出7%。在化妝品產業上,老顧客佔了營業額三分之二。在醫療事業上,醫院服務品質之高低無疑是促進病患之滿意度及提高醫院經營續效的重要原因之一;並且,病患對醫院服務的滿意度高低,決定了病患是否繼續至醫院求診之指標。因此,本研究旨在瞭解不同病患對醫療服務品質之體驗度,並探討何種醫療服務品質最能使病患回到同一醫院重複求診,藉此以有效降低醫療行銷廣告成本、提升醫療服務品質、並培養病患對醫院醫療服務之忠誠度。 Repeat Purchase Theory suggests that 'the cheapest way to maintain sales is to get customers who purchase a product once to continue purchasing it from you'. Repeat purchase is so important that in the cosmetic industry, two-thirds of profit comes from repeat purchase customers. In the provision of medical services quality undoubtedly is a major factor in discretionary choice of a service provider. In as much as the satisfaction of patients determines whether they come back or not a creases the profit margin. The purpose of this research is to understand how quality is contributing to patients returning to a medical service provider. The goal is to help medical services increase profitability while improving medical service quality.