Mahuang (Ephedra) is a traditional Chinese medicine herb and its major medicinal components are ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are forbidden substances by IOC. One of the aims of this study was to determine the urinary total concentrations of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine by HPLC after administering commercial Mahuang powder. The result showed that the urinary concentrations of ephedrines were higher than 10 mg/mL within 12 hours after taking 600 mg Mahuang. It would be regarded as a positive doping case. The other aim of this study was to investigate what the certified Chinese herbal preparations contained Mahuang in Taiwan area. The results showed that about 6.5% of the certified marketing Chinese herbal preparations contained Mahuang. These preparations were used to improve the syndromes of cold (82 %), rheumatism (16 %), and edema (2 %). Most of preparations had the same names as inherent preparations, but 9.3 % of them had different names from inherence. For example: Yung Kong San, Pi Pa Kao, Jiow Wey San, Fonsu Wan, Qu Fon Wan and cold syrup. This study suggested that athletes should be careful in taking Chinese herbal preparations to improve the syndromes of cold, rheumatism, and edema.
The Hong Kong Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports v. 13