肌肉減少症(sarcopenia)可定義為與老化有關之肌肉質量、力量與功能之流失,其發生的原因複雜且多元,進而導致許多併發症,並且增加跌倒與骨折的機率,使老人失去獨立生活之能力。包括阻力運動在內的規律運動,以及適量的蛋白質攝取是預防與對抗老人肌肉減少症最有效的方法;此外老年人體重的控制相當重要,在針對老人肥胖問題時,必須透過運動方式,在保存肌肉質量的情形下來進行減重;目前的證據顯示較高的體內維生素D濃度可以改善老人的肌肉功能並減低跌倒的機率,因此除了充足的日曬外,老年人也可適度增補維生素D。透過適當的運動與營養介入,預防肌肉減少症之發生,不但可以提高老年人的生活品質,同時也減少了醫療與照顧之成本。 Sarcopenia can be defined as the age-related loss in muscle mass, strength, and function. It is a multi-factorial aging process, leading to many clinical complications. It will also increase the risk of falls, fractures, and loss of independence. Regular resistance training with dietary protein supplementation can be used to preventing sarcopenia for elderly. Elderly should also focus on using exercise to lose fat mass while preserving muscle mass. Data suggest that the elderly may need high serum concentration of vitamin D to improve muscle performance and reduce the risk of falling. Therefore, besides sunlight exposure, vitamin D supplementation is generally recommended. Appropriate nutritional and exercise interventions can help to prevent sarcopenia, and will not only result in better quality of life for elderly and thus reduces the burden of health care.