傳統上倫理學理論很少正視道德運氣,所以成聖成賢完全掌握在個人的道德努力,但是這樣的想法在當代受到質疑和挑戰。本文企圖證明,不論從行為或品德定義道德上的聖人,能否成為聖人都會受到道德運氣的影響。 The idea of moral luck has rarely been noted by most ethical theorists. As a result, to become a good man or a saint is mostly considered to rely entirely upon one’s moral effort. However, this idea has recently been challenged by some moral philosophers. This article tries to argue that no matter how we define “moral saints” in terms of morally perfect actions or virtues, it seems that to be a saint is subject to moral luck.