晚近高等教育環境變化急遽,技職院校的發展目標都放在就業、產學合作、績效卓越上,大學教育的功能一直被限縮與窄化,其中的「生命教育」面向一直受到忽略。然而,大學極可能是學生們在進入社會之前最後一次認真思考生命議題的場域,而不斷面對升學考試的他們,對於生命該如何來面對作答,其實並未能得到適當的引導。本文擬從應用倫理學角度指出:生命倫理議題若能做適當的轉化與設計,在通識教學實踐上可以扮演一種生命教育的功能;它除了是一種當代生命倫理議題的知識討論外,更可能是「自我教化」的倫理實踐契機。 In recent years, the higher education of Taiwan aim at students’ employability、the excellence of KPI、Industry-Academy Cooperation, and the dimensions about life education are ignored. But University maybe the last field of thinking life’s meaning. Our students only know how to pass examinations, they don’t know how to answer the query of life. The article try to point out through applied ethics, if we can transform and design the issues of Bioethics, the general education will display the function of life education. The relative courses not only a kind of teaching about the ethical knowledge, but also open a chance to self-cultivation.