本研究透過既有群眾募資的文獻回顧,以及系統性的分析架構,探究勸募平台運作方式,並透過深度分析一個非營利組織的案例,深入解析實務運作的發展歷程。以「孩子的第一哩路-319 鄉兒童藝術工程」為觀察場域,研究者試圖界定非營利組織如何以一種創新的方式:群眾募資,邀請社會參與資源募集的過程,從而勾勒出社會倡議發展的路徑與模式。透過分析此活動倡議五年多來的演變,研究者探討其策略定位以及關鍵影響因子,歸納比較一般募資平台之通則以及台灣「紙風車319」推動模式,二者異同之處,以期呼應既有文獻討論,並針對個人或組織有志於匯聚眾人力量參與社會改變提供運作借鏡。 This study examines a 5-year movement to explore how the concept of crowd-funding being applied in making impactful social changes. The research context is a grass-root social event called First Mile Kid’s Smile initiated by a small Taiwanese NPO, the Paper Mill Foundation, from year 2006 to 2011. With a systematic approach, this study portrays how a project based on crowd funding rolled out. The potential contribution of the study is to provide a dialogue between extant literature and local practices, and also to inspire organizations in engaging a social system by gavinizing resources from the civic sector.