學童人格特質與學習適應一直是許多研究學者關心的議題,而許多研究也指出音樂學習有助於學習的改善,本研究以國小國樂團學童之人格特質與學習適應作為探討主題,探討國小學生學習國樂是否影響其人格特質與學習適應。本研究以嘉義縣國小國樂團學生為研究對象,採用文獻探討分析及問卷調查法編制研究工具「人格特質與學習適應和國樂學習之相關問卷」,並使用敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、卡方檢定等統計方法進行分析,主要發現如下:一、嘉義縣國小學童有無國樂學習在性別與年級方面有顯著差異。二、不同背景變項的嘉義縣國小國樂學習學童學習適應有顯著差異獲得部分支持。三、不同背景變項的嘉義縣國小國樂學習學童人格特質中嚴謹性、神經質、外向性有顯著差異獲得部分支持。四、不同背景變項的嘉義縣國小學童對於學習適應有顯著差異獲得部分支持。五、不同背景變項的嘉義縣國小學童對於人格特質中的嚴謹性有顯著差異獲得部分支持。六、國樂學習學童人格特質開放性、嚴謹性、友善性與學習適應有顯著差異獲得部分支持。 School children's personality traits and learning adjustments have been topics of concern for numerous scholars, and many studies have noted that music learning facilitates improving learning outcomes. The present study evaluated the personality traits and learning adjustments of elementary school children participating in Chinese music orchestra, to discuss the effects of learning Chinese music on the students' personality traits and learning adjustment. A sample of students learning traditional Chinese music instruments at an elementary school in Chiayi County, Taiwan, were surveyed, in conjunction with a literature review, to create a “Questionnaire on the Relationship between Personality Traits, Learning Adjustment, and Learning of Traditional Chinese Music.”,and use statistical methods of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability test and x test to analyze. The major findings are as follows: 1. The number of students learning traditional Chinese music instruments at an elementary school in Chiayi County differed significantly by sex and age.2. The hypothesis that the learning adjustment of the students learning traditional Chinese music instruments at an elementary school in Chiayi County would exhibit significant differences in their background variables was partially supported.3. The hypothesis that the personality traits of rigor, nervousness, and extroversion of the students learning traditional Chinese music instruments at an elementary school in Chiayi County would exhibit significant differences in their background variables was partially supported.4. The hypothesis that the learning adjustment of the students at an elementary school in Chiayi County would exhibit significant differences in their background variables was partially supported.5. The hypothesis that the personality traits of rigor of the students at an elementary school in Chiayi County would exhibit significant differences in their background variables was partially supported.6. The personality traits of rigor , open-minded, and friendliness and learning adjustment of the students learning traditional Chinese music instrument would exhibit significant differences in their background variables was partially supported.