本研究主要是探討運動依賴性、人格特質與賽前焦慮感之相互關係。以嘉義縣市跆拳道社團學生為研究對象進行問卷調查,回收有效問卷104份,回收率為90.4%,並以敘述統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關性分析及迴歸分析等統計方法,描述與推論運動依賴性、人格特質與賽前焦慮感之關係。在相關性分析中,「賽前焦慮感」與「缺乏控制」之相關係數為0.19,呈現顯著正相關,「賽前焦慮感」與「意圖影響」之相關係數為0.24,呈現顯著正相關,「賽前焦慮感」與人格特質各構面沒有線性相關。在迴歸分析中,「戒斷症狀」增加有助於降低賽前焦慮感,每多增加一單位的「戒斷症狀」可以降低0.43單位的賽前焦慮感,「活動削減」增加有助於降低賽前焦慮感,每多增加一單位的「活動削減」可以降低0.28單位的賽前焦慮感,人格特質之各構面因素皆無法解釋賽前焦慮感。 The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among exercise dependence, Personality Traits and competitive anxiety with an example of Chiayi Tae Kwon Do athletes. This study collected 104 effective questionnaires. The effective rate was 90.4%. The data was analyzed by different statistical analysis, such as descriptive analysis, the t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis and regression analysis. In the Pearson's correlation coefficient test, we find that there are significant positive relationships among competitive anxiety, lack of control, and intention effects. In the regression analysis, the results show that increase a unit of withdrawal can reduce 0.43 unit of competitive anxiety and increase a unit of reductions of other activities can reduce 0.28 unit of competitive anxiety. However, personality traits can not explain competitive anxiety.