摘要: | 本研究主要在探討嘉義縣市國民小學低年級補救教學教師對補救教學實施現況之看法,以瞭解嘉義縣市國民小學低年級補救教學執行現況、課程實施、教材教法、評量實施及實施效益。為達成上述目的,本研究採質性研究方法,以立意取樣的方式,選取嘉義縣市六名低年級補救教學教師為研究對象,藉由結構式的訪談問題,逐一進行訪談。 本研究結果如下:壹、低年級補救教學教師對補救教學執行現況之看法一、目前國小所實施補救教學為補救教學實施方案及永齡方案,上課時數符合受輔學生需求。二、補救教學師資來源以現職教師與長期代理代課教師為主。三、參與補救教學授課教學上最大的影響是要額外花時間準備補救教學教材及需要填報的文件過多。四、補救教學增能研習有助於增進補救教學教師專業知能。貳、低年級補救教學教師對補救教學課程實施之看法一、補救教學課程科目安排以國語科與數學科之學生基礎學科為主。二、補救教學實施個別化教學效果優於共同教學之效果。三、補救教學採多元化教學模式有助於提高學生學習興趣與學習成效。參、低年級補救教學教師對補救教學教材教法之看法一、補救教學教材多為補救教學教師根據學生能力編製之自編式教材。二、補救教學資源平台教材大致符合學生需求,能再強化實作習題之豐富性及實用性。肆、低年級補救教學教師對補救教學評量實施之看法一、補救教學定期評量的實施能掌握學生學習狀況並適時提供其學習弱點之協助。二、補救教學科技化評量施測需學生配合產出正確的診斷結果,可作為調整教材內容之參考。伍、低年級補救教學教師對補救教學實施效益之看法一、補救教學的實施在寒、暑假執行成效較佳。二、補救教學的執行對提升學生學習興趣、自信心及學業成就有其正面的助益。 最後,根據本研究結果提出各項的建議,以供教育行政單位、學校單位、補救教學授課教師以及未來研究之參考。 This study mainly discusses the views of the implementation situation of remedial teaching from teachers of lower grade students in the primary school in Chia-yi County in order to understand execution status, curriculum implementation, teaching methods, evaluation, and implementation efficiency of such target group. In order to achieve the purpose mentioned above, qualitative research methods are used in this research; with purposive sampling, six remedial teaching teachers of lower grade students in the primary school in Chia-yi County were selected as the research objects, and one by one structured interviews were conducted. Based on the research, the findings are as follows: A.Views of execution status of remedial teaching from teachers of lower grade students1.Currently the implementation of remedial teaching programs includes the remedial teaching program and Yongling program. The number of learning/teaching hours is in line with the needs of students.2.The main source of remedial teaching teachers includes the current teachers and the long-term substitute teachers.3.The greatest impact of participating in remedial teaching is that extra time is required to prepare remedial teaching materials and to fill in excessive administrative files.4.Remedial teaching workshops help to improve the professional knowledge of remedial teaching teachers.B.Views of curriculum implementation of remedial teaching from teachers of lower grade students1.In remedial teaching program, Chinese and mathematics are the courses that are mainly focused on, since they are the basic subjects that students should learn.2.In remedial teaching program, individualized teaching practice has far greater effect than co-teaching implementation.3.In remedial teaching program, additional courses and teaching models help to improve students' interest in learning and their learning outcomes.C.Views of teaching methods of remedial teaching from teachers of lower grade students1.Most remedial teaching materials are from the remedial teaching teachers' design and preparation, based on the ability and needs of the target students.2.The remedial teaching resource platform provides adequate materials that generally meet the needs of the target students, which gives them rich and practical reinforce and practice.D.Views of evaluation of remedial teaching from teachers of lower grade students.1.In the remedial teaching program, the implementation of regular assessment helps to understand the students' learning situation and their learning weaknesses, hence assistance can be provided timely.2.TCTE Web Site requires students' participation in order to produce the results of the correct diagnosis. These results can be used as adjustments for the teaching materials.E.Views of implementation efficiency of remedial teaching from teachers of lower grade students1.Implementation of remedial teaching held during summer and winter vacation has better efficiency.2.Implementation of remedial teaching enhances students' interest in learning, as well as improves their self-confidence and academic achievements. Positive outcomes are shown. Finally, based on the results of this study, the recommendations are made for educational administration units, school units, remedial teaching instructors, and for the reference of future research. |