《異鄉人》、《反抗者》、《瘟疫》為卡繆描述生命荒謬的幾部著作,從生命歷程的角度出發,以發現荒謬、肯定荒謬、反抗荒謬、到超越荒謬的生命歷程,作為編排順序。《異鄉人》呈現人生中的荒謬以及與世界親近及對立的矛盾關係,《反抗者》將人的生命本質加以提升,《瘟疫》則是在超越荒謬之後重新面對荒謬。 我們身處於華人的社會,對於人倫道德極為重視,但經過時代的變遷至今,我們仍可將一些行為稱之為美德,而非為人的依據。透過卡繆生命三部曲,與我們現實生活中所經歷的種種挫折與不合理對應,卡繆所提出的荒謬概念,以及反叛、對生命的熱情等等,都顯示了在我們生命中的荒謬,雖然無法解除與避免,卻可以經由對荒謬的接受、肯定之後內化於我們的生命之中,成為我們生命中必經的歷程與必須承擔的重量。 生活在這荒謬的世界之中,要如何不失去意義的活著,這是每個人皆必須面對的問題,找到方法並進而實行,讓自我得以在生命中找到意義,本文以卡繆生命三部曲為基礎,藉由與自身生命對話,試圖尋找一個可以獲得自我救贖的途徑。 “L'Etranger”, “L'Homme revolte”, and “La Peste” are Albert Camus to description ridiculous life. The “L'Etranger” tells people and world is contradict each other. “L'Homme revolte” let we know how to confronted with our life. In the “La Peste”, we need come back to confront our real life. Living in the Chinese society, we must obey many traditional moral. But the traditional moral is contributes to our fetter. We can perceive the life is ridiculous by Albert Camus life trilogy. We know the ridiculous life is unavoidable. So we receive into this life. Because, such ridiculous as our life, we still can live the life we choose. This dissertation is from life process of my life. By the Albert Camus life trilogy, we can find the self-salvage in our life.