本研究旨在探討年輕喪偶女性的治喪及悲慟經驗研究。以立意取樣之方式,邀請兩位台灣年輕喪偶女性為研究參與者,以半結構式訪談大綱進行深度訪談。研究方式是透過主題分析法進行分析,以瞭解本土年輕女性在配偶離世後,在社會文化之下所面臨到的置身處境、治喪期間參與整個治喪過程中的觀感、心境及心需要之支持,以及對年輕喪偶女性未來的影響。本研究結果發現的四點結論如下:1.受父權家庭結構制約的女性自主意識,2. 為夫家服務、不具療癒功能的喪儀,3. 親密關係斷裂後的生活適應困難,4.持續承擔家族名分下的倫理重責。本研究可提供本土年輕喪偶女性喪慟經驗理解及後續研究的基礎。 This study aims to explore the bereavement experience of young widows during and post funeral ceremony. Through purposive sampling, two young Taiwan widows were invited as research participants. Data were collected by semi-structured depth-interviews. Then the collected data were analyzed via thematic analysis. The findings were as follows. 1. female autonomy was conditioned by the patriarchal family structure; 2. husband-side family oriented funeral service providing limited healing function; 3. difficult life adaptation post the breakdown of intimate relationship; 4. assuming burden of husband-side family role. These findings could provide basic understanding of young widows' bereavement experience for further studies.