綜觀禪淨融合的歷史脈胳,中峰明本似乎沿襲了永明延壽的禪淨思想,為明清以後的漢傳佛教奠定了禪淨融合的發展方向。本論文以中峰明本的禪淨思想為研究主題,除了探討禪淨融合的歷史脈胳外,更探究中峰明本會通禪淨思想的因由與內涵。 本論文分為六章。第一章「緒論」,敍述研究動機與目的,說明為何以「中峰明本的禪淨思想」為研究主題,此外也進行前人研究成果的回顧與說明研究方法之運用。第二章「中峰明本禪淨思想的背景及其生平、著作」,從中國禪宗、淨土經論與思想、禪淨合流等三個面向,探析中峰明本禪淨思想的背景,並論述他的生平事蹟及著作。第三章「中峰明本禪淨思想的特色」,從中峰明本的著作及其他相關文獻資料,論述看話禪及《三時繫念》,闡述中峰明本禪淨思想的特色。第四章「中峰明本禪淨思想的實踐及其影響」,敍述中峰明本於禪淨融合的實踐,及他的禪淨融合思想對後代的影響。第五章「禪淨融合淨化人間」,闡述禪淨共修以期淨化人間。第六章「結論」。綜合本論文的大要,除了揭櫫中峰明本禪淨融合的歷史價值及影響外,也顯明了禪淨合流的起源及中峰明本禪淨思想的背景、中峰明本禪淨的會通及其實踐、佛七的起源及其意涵等研究成果。 Looking through the historical context of Chan and Pure Land fusion, Zhongfeng Mingbeng (1263-1323 CE), a distinguished Chan master of the Yuan dynasty, seemingly followed the thoughts of YongmingYanshou. He influenced the developmental orientation of Chinese Buddhism after Ming and Qing dynasties. The main theme of this thesis is Zhongfeng Mingbeng's thoughts on Chan Buddhism and Pure Land. It also seeks to investigate into the rationales behind Zhongheng's fusion of Chan Buddhism and Pure land and the implications of the fusion. This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction. The second chapter discusses the historical background of Zhongfeng's Chan and Pure Land fusion, and also elaborates his lifetime deeds. The third chapter explains in details the characteristics of Zhongfeng Mingbeng's thoughts on Chan Buddhism and Pure Land. The fourth chapter dwells on the practical aspects of Zhongfeng's thoughts and sketches the influence of his thought. The fifth chapter elaborates the contemporary practices of Chan and Pure Land in Taiwan. The sixth chapter presents the conclusion of this thesis.