消防人員在國內職業結構具特殊性,面對複雜且艱辛的消防工作下,休閒需求值得探討。 本研究為求瞭解消防人員的休閒需求;以嘉義市的消防人員為研究對象,實施焦點人物訪談,面對現有工作壓力環境下之休閒需求,作為分析資料來源,並配以相關文獻分析,藉以歸納出消防人員休閒需求及參與情形。 最後,研究結果發現消防人員因工作環境特殊、工時特長,每天要面對刺激、挑戰、驚喜和責任等難以預料的考驗,有些工作壓力來源是消防人員所獨具,非外人所能體會,因此消防機關之主政單位,實應針對消防人員風進而規劃不同方案的休閒活動,供滿足其休閒需求,進而有助於生活品質提昇,達到提高為民服務品質與效能。 Firefighter is one of the special occupations, In the complex and hard work under their leisure needs. This study is designed to interview the city of Chiayi firefighters, in order to understand their leisure needs of job stress environment. By the Interview and literature analysis, Summed up the work of firefighters leisure needs and participation. Finally, the study found non-outsiders can understand that firefighters accompanied by the special work environment, working hours, the stimulus, challenges, surprises and responsibilities and other unpredictable test, some pressure sources are unique. In order to improve the quality of service for the people and effectiveness. therefore,fire department of the government should be plan the different programs of recreation activities to their needs, and contribute to the improvement of quality of life.