兩岸簽定服務貿易協議引起爭議,學生衝進立法院議場,掀起長達數十日的反服貿學運,服貿協議也因而停擺,輿論也幾乎一面倒的反對服貿。然而,綜觀國內經貿專家學者大多肯定服貿,服貿也只是兩岸經濟合作架構協議的一部分,這早在2012年總統大選辯論時,反對黨總統參選人就已說要概括承受,甚至在反服貿學運落幕後,反對黨也鬆口要繼續推動服貿。如果服貿是錯誤的政策,又為何要概括承受、繼續推動?對此,本研究主張反對服貿的聲浪,其實是出於資訊不足且受政治意識型態的煽動,只要有良好的政策說明與政治溝通,除了少數政治意識形態強烈者之外,服務貿易協議可以獲得民眾的支持。 The disputes of the cross strait Services Trade had caused strong protests among College students and they broke into the Legislative Yuan. The protesters were against the Services Trade. The protests lasted for ten days that caused the suspensions to the process of Service Trade. The protests likely caused the majorities of Taiwan against the Services Trade. Never the less, the Services Trade was a part of the agreements among the economic cooperation which were recognized by most of the domestic trade and economy specialists. In the presidential debates of 2012, the president candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party promised to confront with the results of the Anti-Services Trade. However, after the students' protests, DPP promoted the Services Trade which was against their original policies. Why was the DPP against the Services Trade and then promoted it if the policy was wrong? Hense the study suggests the lack of public information to the people and the political interferences leads to the Anti-Services Trade opinions nationwide. Apart from the extremist of the Anti-Services Trade, the agreements of the Services Trade could be accomplished based on the sufficient political and strategic communications and further more to be supported and recognized by the public.