本研究旨在了解國小行政人員在實施環境教育之現況與溝通困境,研究目的如下:從國小行政人員如何將環境教育融入七大學習領域的情形,以及在推動環境教育相關政策上面臨到何種主客觀因素的限制和溝通困境,以便對於現行環境教育其執行困境與因應策略提出建議。 為達上述目的,本研究以臺中市梧棲區國小推動環境教育的行政人員為研究對象,透過質性研究方法的文獻分析和深度訪談方式,探討行政人員的個體層面、問題屬性與預設層面、訊息傳遞型態層面、結構層面的訪談內容與理論模式加以整合分析,以深入了解影響行政人員推動環境教育的溝通困境。本研究結果如下:一、影響環境教育融入七大學習領域的主要因素,受到推動環境教育的行政人員相關背景與專業知識、行政職責的分工、各處室彈性時間的協調。二、國小辦理戶外教學多以娛樂性質為主,缺乏融入環境教育設施場所。三、影響推動環境教育的主觀因素中偏重在專業背景、年資、個人價值觀。四、影響推動環境教育的客觀因素中偏重在人力不足、行政人員變動率高、經費不足。五、執行環境教育面臨的溝通障礙會因溝通經驗、溝通協調機制、上級行政單位施行的政策而影響推動的成效。 The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation and difficulties of elementary school staffs in implementing environmental education . It is also aimed to investigate the constraints and communication difficulties faced by the elementary school staffs in promoting environmental education.And the result will be used as reference for school staffs on the current implementation of environmental education and its response strategies. In order to reach the research goal, qualitative approach was used in this study. Literatures were reviewed first to develop the research framework. Data was then collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed. The interviewees are elementary school staffs in Taichung Wuchi district who are responsible for promoting environmental education. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The main factors affecting the integration of environmental education and seven learning areas are the school staffs' background and professional knowledge of environmental education, division of administrative duties, and coordination among school administration units. (2) Lack of facilities for environmental education integration when field trips are hold in elementary schools. (3) The subjective factors affecting environmental education promotion are professional background, years of teaching, and personal values. (4) The objective factors affecting environmental education promotion are manpower shortage, high flow rate of school staffs, and lack of funds. (5) The communication difficulties of implementation of environmental education are personal communication experience, communication and coordination mechanism of school administration units, and the policies of superior administrative unit.