本研究旨在探討國民小學校園閒置空間活化再利用情形。為達成研究目的,以具有校園閒置空間活化再利用經驗的高雄市三所國小為研究對象,採訪談法及內容分析法進行之,以期使研究結果在少子女化趨勢下,對於空間活化再利用教育政策,能有所借鏡及助益。主要研究發現如下:一、從中央到地方,教育主管機關積極擬定學校推動校園閒置空間活化再利之政策,並給予獎勵。二、國內校園空間活用執行情形以閒置校舍再利用、空餘教室活化之實施成效最為顯著。三、個案學校藉由持續不斷地進行內部活化,達成學生多元的學習效果。四、難抵減班浪潮,個案學校係從內部活化閒置空間,演變為外部活化。五、教育主管單位乃是媒合個案學校,與外租單位異業結盟的重要推手。六、個案學校與外租單位的合作,帶來校園閒置空間活化再利用的新契機。七、活化用途與經費、安全管理,是實施校園閒置空間活化再利用成效之關鍵。 綜合上述研究結果,提出相關建議,以供教育行政主管機關、學校和未來研究參考。 The aim of this study is to discuss the reusing of vacant school space in elementary schools. In order to reach the goal of reusing those space, three elementary schools are remodeling those-vacant spaces for other purposes. The findings of this research included the followings: 1. From the central government to the local government, all education authorities proactively promote and formulate polices of remodeling the idle areas on campus, and provides rewards for those schools implement it. 2. In Taiwan, the results of reusing of empty-buildings and class rooms which are no longer using for teaching are most significant and beneficent. 3. Three cases studied provide students diversified learning styles through continuously remodeling and reusing their spaces. 4. Due to the drop of enrollment of students, the studied schools repurpose these idle spaces from internal use to external use. 5. The education authority is the driving force of the cross-industry collaboration between the studied schools and their tenants from other associations. 6. The collaboration between the studied schools and other associations bring new turning points for reusing empty spaces. 7. The keys of repurposing vacant spaces on campus are making flexible use of these spaces, cost management and safety management. Based on the above findings, we provided suggestions to educational administrations, schools, and future researches.