摘要: | 一般國中的美術課程多使用半成品或臨摹之材料包為教材來進行教學,此教學方式較難刺激學生思考,亦缺少生活的美感體驗。近年來,藝術與人文領域教育提倡做中學及創造能力,國中美術課程有必要引導學生將美感教育實踐於學校生活之中,以達到落實生活美感教育於體驗學習之效果。本研究主要在於透過行動研究法,探討「美感體驗學習方案」在國中美術課程實施的成效、學生經驗感受與所遭受的困難與因應策略。本研究配合實作觀察、教學省思紀錄、拍照與錄影、參與學生訪談、藝術與人文教師訪談、學生回饋明信片等方法及工具進行資料蒐集與分析。 研究結果發現如下:一、教學方案之整體成效包括:(一)使老舊教室空間獲得改善,變得乾淨整齊。(二)學生們也體驗到乾淨整齊的美感,學生們皆感受到教室變得舒服放鬆,也因此更加喜歡上美術課的感覺。(三)學生在美術課程當中了解欣賞生活當中的美感,也養成了美的紀律及物歸原位的好習慣;在實作的技巧與團隊合作的經驗有所提升,也都擁有了美好的體驗與回憶。(四)研究者主要的收穫在於見到教室與學生都產生正向的改變,過程中學生的回饋令研究者感受溫馨,在美的環境也提升學生的品格力及道德約束力,有深刻的教學成就。(五)同校藝術領域教師感受到整間教室乾淨舒適,同學在教室當中學習可以有好的效果,對於整個改造的過程給予高度的支持與認同。二、「美感體驗學習方案」方案使學生學習到環境乾淨整齊,用心創造共同空間,就可以體驗到生活當中的美感。學生更學會了改造老舊課桌椅的使用技能,以及團隊合作的精神,改造完教室之後也懂得維護環境的美好以及遵守上課規範,對於過程當中有參與感,完成之後有成就感,對於教室有認同感之後更加樂於美術課程之學習。三、實施困難及因應策略包括遭遇經費不足、缺少向導師及行政方面的溝通、學生經驗不足及執行力不足等問題,但藉由二手跳蚤市場義賣募改造教室基金、書寫給各班老師說明信、採取緩慢而細心的說明方式進行課程、及在各班先教導能力較好的同學擔任小老師以協助課程實施等策略,圓滿解決困難。 The curriculum and instruction of Art courses in the junior high school level traditionally tend to apply the semi-finished products and material packages, however, these kind of teaching approaches are criticized to ignore the initiative of students' thinking and the aesthetic experiences of lives. During the recent years, the learning discipline of art and humanities education encourages learning by doing and the abilities of creativities through practicing aesthetic education into school lives. The principal investigator conducts an action research to discuss the con and pro of the “Aesthetic Experience Learning Program” including the experiences from the students' experiences and the struggles that the program encounters. In order to analyze it, the research adopts participant observation, teaching reflection notes, students' feedback postcard, photos and videos, and interviews with students and art teachers. The main findings of the research include the major outcomes of the program, students' positive feed backs, and struggles. Regarding to the major outcomes of the program cover: a. to improve quality of the “old” classroom into clean one; b. students' experience on aesthetics and enjoy the learning of arts; c. students' experience the aesthetics of lives and sharing the process of learning and wonderful memories; d. the major rewards of the researcher is to observe the positive changes the classroom and students and improve the character and morality of the students; e. the colleagues in the schools also experience the quality and magic of the classroom and program, and highly support the process of pedagogical revolution. Rather, the program initiates the students to learn the clean learning environment, create the sharing space, and experience the beauty of the lives. Students also learn how to transform the old desk and chair in the classroom, collaboration with their classmates, enjoy the beauty of environment, follow the class rules, involve the process of transforming, and involve the learning of art course more after the program. Finally, the struggles include being lack of budget, the communication between classroom head teachers and administration staffs, student's prior experience, researchers' implementation. However, the principal investigator applies several potential strategies to over the above obstacles including receive the donation through flea market, letters to share the ideas with head teachers, step by step to introduce the program, and train some students first as mentor to assist the implementation of the program. |