「逆媳變物」故事,是我們為不孝兒媳以非常食材為公婆製作惡食,或穿戴神仙所留特殊衣物,進而變為動物身形之類民間故事所擬的故事類型。相關研究尚處類型索引編制和例文列舉階段。本文通過收集中國古籍記載29例,漢族口傳71例,少數民族18例,發現該型在古今之間、南北之間、多民族之間廣泛流傳,同時與「兩個兒媳」、「姑惡(鳥)」等型故事存在交叉現象。故事主要通過雷震或神罰表達勸世主題,是佛教信仰與儒道思想、民間俗信相互融合,而形成的一種在民間文學、古代志怪、敦煌文學、現代小說等中並存的文學文化現象。 The story type "the unfilial daughter-in-law metamorphoses into animal" were made to describe the folk story involves each of the 2 plots, in the first one, daughter-in-law cooking unsanitary food, inedible insects or poison for her parent-in-law, and in the second one, daughter-in-law trying to wear special clothes left from celestial being. The ending of these stories are all point to metamorphoses. The correlational studies are still at stage of compiling type index and sample text list. In this article, there are 29 related stories collected from ancient Chinese books, 71 examples gathered from oral tales of Han nationality and 18 stories found from minority. From those examples, we found the story type has spread widely among nationalities from south to north in ancient and modern, which has the cross phenomenon with the type of Two daughters-in-law and Crake Bird. The story mainly expressed a topic of exhortation by thunder shocking or divine punishment, which was a phenomenon of literature and culture that coexisted in folk literatures, ancient weird stories, Dunhuang literatures and modern fictions .This story type is caused by the integration of Buddhism, Confucianist and Taoist ideology and folk beliefs.