清代揚州俗文學取得了極為輝煌的成就。清代揚州俗文學隊伍龐大、作品浩繁、成就卓著、影響深遠,而方言民俗、儀式祭祀、茶肆書坊和行規慣制等標誌性的揚州民俗,正是清代揚州俗文學發生、發展、傳承的內在機制。俗文學首先是方言的藝術,揚州方言的韻味與揚州俗文學的風格相互輝映;儀式祭祀堪稱俗文學的原動力,因為有不少俗文學活動本身就是儀式祭祀的一部分;園林畫舫、戲臺茶館、教場浴室等揚州物質民俗形態也對俗文學的繁榮起到了承載和推進作用;而行規慣制等制度民俗對揚州俗文學的品質保證起到了積極意義。 The popular literature of Yangzhou in the Qing-Dynasty made great achievements. It has a huge contingent of participants, a large number of works, outstanding achievements and far-reaching influence. And the signature Yangzhou folklore, such as, dialect of folklore, ceremony and sacrifice, teahouse and library, guild regulations and conventions is the inner mechanism of Yangzhou popular literature created in Qing-Dynasty. Popular literature is the art of dialect firstly, the charm of Yangzhou dialect and Yangzhou popular literary style had enriched each other through interactions; Ceremony and sacrifice just like a motive power of the popular literature, some of popular literary activities are part of the ceremony or sacrifice actually; the material folk form, such as, gardens, gaily painted pleasure boat, teahouse, "Jiao-square" and public baths, plays an important role in the prosperity of popular literature too; and the institutional folklore as guild regulations and conventions has positive significance to the quality assurance of Yangzhou popular literature.