每位藝術家都有其獨特的「藝術之道」:藝術家是以什麼眼光在看世界?以及其深切的關懷為何?藝術家在面對相對有限的「生命」之於亙古的「宇宙」,他是怎樣進行理解?本文以晚唐詩人李商隱的作品為例,標題取為「無解的迴圈」與「心有靈犀」,是想點出李商隱詩作中透顯的某個面向,那便是宇宙和人生的處境有時不免陷入一個永恆的回繞,且幾近于「無解」?但,藝術家卻靠著心靈的「想像」而超脫其上?!「藝術心靈」作為「轉化」人間理想真實的憑藉,李商隱以穿透性的「洞察力」為我們演繹,綿延竟千年! In this thesis I try to find out the logos of art. As we know each artist has his (her) unique view and philosophy about life, world, and cosmos. Usually, artist show loving care and profound grief for people. So, I wonder how they resolve and transfer the dilemma of their life. I chose the poems written by Li Shang-yin (Tang Dynasty famous poet) to show the way of art. The poems of Li Shang-yin let us realize that there maybe have no absolute solution to resolve the difficulties of life, but we can use imaginations of mind to transfer the dilemma situations. The insight of artistic mind and spirit will cheer us to overcome and get the wisdom of philosophy.