With the gradual economy recovery, companies have increased the demand for talents in their advancement. Recruitment has evolved from a passive search for talents into an active one, and talents have undoubtedly become a competitiveness of companies. Additionally, the enhancement in knowledge and skill has contributed to different values of applicants today. To satisfy personal demand, applicants tend to choose a job where corporate image is consistent with personal faith and embody personal demand in future career development; therefore, enterprises must be clear about the factors that influence the decisions of applicants before recruitment. With the convenience sampling, this study took those who participated in job fairs and employment training centers and fresh graduates as the subjects. In this study, 500 copies of questionnaire were distributed, and 421 copies were retrieved. Of the retrieved copies, 43 copies whose information was inaccurate and incomplete were removed; hence, there were 378 valid copies, with a retrieval rate of valid copies of 75.6%. According to the results, corporate image had significant positive effects on organization attraction; salary had significant positive effects on organization attraction; salary had mediating effects on corporate image and organization attraction. 隨著經濟慢慢復甦,公司企業成長,對於人才需求量也隨之增加。企業招募活動從以往被動轉變為主動尋求人才,獲取優秀人才儼然成為公司競爭力之一。此外知識及技能的提升,現今求職者價值觀與以往不同,求職者為滿足個人需求,會選擇企業形象與自我理念相同的工作,並投射在未來工作發展上,因此企業在進行招募前必須先了解影響求職者決定的因素。本研究樣本採便利抽樣方式取樣,以參加就業博覽會、就業輔導中心及應屆畢業生為研究對象。總計發放500份問卷,回收問卷數為421份,剔除43份回答不確實與回答不完全之無效問卷,有效問卷合計共378份,有效問卷回收率為75.6%。研究結果企業形象對組織吸引力有顯著的正向影響;企業形象對薪資有顯著的正向影響;薪資對組織吸引力有顯著的正向影響;薪資對企業形象與組織吸引力具中介效果。