1950年韓戰爆發,中國共產黨組織「中國人民志願軍」參戰。在戰爭過程中約有兩萬一千名志願軍遭到聯軍俘虜,其中約一萬四千多名志願軍俘虜在戰爭結束後放棄回到中國而選擇來到台灣。中華民國政府為紀念戰俘抵台將一月二十三日設立為「一二三自由日」,並且稱呼來台戰俘為「反共義士」。本研究為探討韓戰志願軍俘虜來台之成因,以志願軍戰俘的角度出發,透過四位受訪者的敘事來進行探討,重新解讀這群被稱為「反共義士」之參戰與來台經驗。他們在連年戰禍的大時代洪流中被迫在國共兩大政權底下遊走,歷經中國內戰以及韓戰之後被聯軍俘虜成為戰俘,而後輾轉來到台灣。這群身分特殊的老兵立足在台灣這塊土地上,逆來順受承接了各種政治壓迫和苦難。如今,我們得以在解嚴後的今天,透過老兵的角度作為敘事的出發點重新檢視他們所經歷的故事,一段不同於官方說所記錄的反共義士歷史。 When Korean War broke out in 1950, the Communist Party of China raised “Chinese People's Volunteers” and joined the war. During the wartime, near 21,000 volunteers became captives and 14,000 of them refused to go back to China after the end of war, instead of going homes, they choose to go to Taiwan. For celebrating that, the government of R.O.C set the day that the captives arrived to Taiwan as public holiday-123 Day of Freedom. The volunteers are called as “Anti-communism Heroes”. This article tries to make an approach to why the volunteers decided to go to Taiwan. For that, this article will review the episode and time-and-space back ground through the interviews for 4 of the captives. They are forced to choose one position-R.O.C side or P.R.C side. They experienced the time of Chinese Civil War and Korean War and became captives who were sent to Taiwan. The old soldiers who have special experiences had suffered from political pressure and financial difficulties in Taiwan and this article tries to review their stories by their aspects which are different to official history.