民國76年解嚴之後,台灣開始走向民主化與多元文化的發展,過往政治對語言的打壓逐漸消弭。現今的民眾對於國語與閩南語的混合使用相當稀鬆平常,兩種語言夾雜使用,成為一般人經常的溝通模式,而不同世代對特定語言發音的節目偏好也逐漸被打破。過去既定觀念年輕人愛看偶像劇,熟年人則愛看鄉土劇的框架漸漸有打破趨勢。尼爾森的收視率調查發現,國語連續劇收視群眾從四歲至五十五歲以上皆有,收視群眾在年輕、中年、熟年世代之中都有分佈,而鄉土劇也是如此。本研究以深度訪談法進行研究,發現年輕、中年、熟年三個世代之戲劇消費情境與意涵並不相同:以偶像劇來說,年輕世代能善用電視與3C產品等收視戲劇,喜歡在不受干擾的情境“獨享”。對他們來說,偶像劇提供憧憬與幻想未來的空間,也是生活學習指導的方針;而中年世代,雖也能善用電視與3C產品,但3C產品使用頻率較低。對他們來說偶像劇能緬懷過去與反思自我,而同時也是教育子女的工具;熟年世代則習慣以他們所熟悉的電視觀看戲劇,以再學習與適應社會的態度看待此種消費。另外,在鄉土劇方面,年輕世代會因居住環境影響他們觀看鄉土劇的管道,對他們來說鄉土劇誇張有趣超現實,可以帶給他們歡笑;而中年世代,則是利用鄉土劇來陪襯家事與調劑家庭間情感,並紓解壓力;熟年世代則認為鄉土劇反映真實,以較嚴肅、信任度高的態度來看待。至於不同性別亦有收視的不同,女性慣於與他人分享、共同收看戲劇,並藉此增進人際互動,而男性則傾向獨自觀賞,亦不喜與人討論劇情或收視之感想。而即使並非家庭主婦,或尚未擁有婚姻,女性仍喜歡在收看戲劇時同時處理家務,男性的戲劇觀看則顯得專心而嚴肅。 The oppression of native language in Taiwan had declined since the martial law abolished in 1987. People speak Mandarin and Taiwanese interchangeably as a common way of communication. The preference for watching different types of TV programs among different generations of people seemed to be changed. According to Nielsen, Mandarin dramas and Taiwanese dramas both possess younger and older audience.The study explored the consumption of different types of dramas(trendy dramas vs. native serial dramas)among young people, middle agers and mature agers.The young generation makes use of TV and the 3C product(computer, notebook, tablet, smart phone) to watch trendy dramas, they like to enjoy watching without interference, and trendy dramas provide them the imagination of the future they look forward to and the guidance for living.The middle-agers watch the trendy dramas for reminiscence and self-reflection. They also use dramas to teach their children occasionally.The mature agers are not familiar with the new technology, they watch trendy dramas on TV and learn about the modern lives nowadays.The youngsters claimed that native serial dramas amused them by their absurdity and exaggeration; the mid-agers claimed they watch native dramas to relieve pressure. The females watch while they were doing housekeeping and males watch the dramas with their spouse and kids. Different from the youngsters, older people consider the native dramas represent the reality, they watch them seriously.Female audience loves to watch dramas with others and to share feelings and interact with others while male viewers tend to watch aloneand don't like to discuss the plots with others. Besides, females, housewives or not, and married or not, watch TV while they are doing housework. It seems that housekeeping is still women's obligation in the household.