摘要: | 蚩尤環 (龍首鐲)是指器身雕琢龍首紋或大眼面紋的鐲環類玉器。目前最早著錄於元代朱德潤的《古玉圖》。清宮舊藏有三件新石器時代文化風格及多件明清時期風格的蚩尤環。20世紀初甚或到中葉,對此類器物的起源與文化屬性並不是很了解,直到1987年良渚文化瑤山M1:30龍首鐲的出土,才揭開此類器物謎團,知其紋飾受到良渚文化龍首飾影響,而此類龍首飾的源起可上溯到崧澤晚期良渚早期。1974-1976年廣東石峽遺址出土兩件蚩尤鐲,但當時並未發現鐲上雕琢龍首紋,直到1998年廣東省文物考古研究所研究員朱非素先生整理資料時才發現。讓蚩尤環的起源與傳播成為討論重點。筆者於2011年發表〈廣東出土良渚式雕紋玉石器研究〉,曾分析良渚文化、石峽文化出土蚩尤環,2014年10月「崧澤文化學術研討會」,發表〈崧澤晚期良渚早期龍形飾到良渚石峽「蚩尤環」探索〉,曾討論出土及公私立博物藏蚩尤環的料、工、形、紋特色,鑑別其時代、文化屬性等。前述主要是探討國立故宮博物院收藏的蚩尤環為重點,本文擬進一步展開對北京故宮博物院藏蚩尤環的探討。 The Chi-You Huan is a unique circular and bracelet-like jade item that carries anywhere from four to eight groups of carvings of Long-shou (dragon head) or Da Yan Mian (large-eyed face). The term Chi-You huan is known to have originated in the Yuan dynasty.While the palace of the Qing dynasty had in its collection three jade items dating as far back as the Neolithic period, as well as multiple ones from the Ming and Qing dynasties, but it never had a complete and accurate understanding of these items. It was not until the year of 1987, when the Long Shou Zhuo (Bracelet with a dragon head), which belonged to the Liangzhu culture, was unearthed, that the age-long mystery of this type of jade items was revealed.Actually, when two Long Shou Zhuo were discovered at the Shixia, Guangdong Province archaeological site between 1974 and 1976, the carvings featuring a dragon's head were accidentally overlooked, and it was not until 1998, when archival materials were being reviewed, that they were taken note of.In 2011, I have published a paper titled A study on the Liangzhu stone and jade artifacts excavated in Guangdong Province, in which I investigated the cultural characteristics and implications of the Long Shou Zhuo, a landmark jade item discovered at the Shixia archaeological site and currently placed in the collection of the National Palace Museum.Then in October 2014, at the Zhejiang Archaeology Songze Conference, I presented a paper titled From Early Songze Liangzhu jade dragon head ornaments to the Liangzhu Culture Shixia Cong-style bracelet, in which I argued that based on its appearance, shape and carving patterns as featured in items unearthed at various locations and collected at many venues, the Chi You Huan can have its origins traced all the way back to theDragon-headed jade ornament.In light of all the facts and claims presented above, in this paper, I would like to make a thorough analysis of all Chi You Huan jade items from the collections of both Palace Museums. |