《臺海使槎錄》乃清代首任巡臺御史黃叔璥所著,巡臺御史的設立,不僅具有對臺民心穩定的作用,亦增強中央對臺灣訊息的掌握,以及如何深入族群的相關議題。是書並載記臺灣特產的花果、物種與環境的報導,其中的〈番俗六考〉、〈番俗雜記〉部分,乃將當時原住民的生活習性、風土民情有所記錄。本文將以空間、地景與地方的論述,探勘《臺海使槎錄》作為台灣文化采風的紀行,除了大量采錄平埔族歌謠與生態習俗,也反映了平埔族與漢族不均衡的涵化關係。體現出文士宦遊與物類交感模式之下,原民空間與地方意象的交光疊影。 In this paper I investigate the concepts of space, landscape, and local government in the Taihai shicha lu, which is treated as a kind of travel diary shedding light on the cultural history of Taiwan. In addition to providing a large amount of information on aboriginal customs, mores, and culture, the Taihai also reflects the Sinification of the Pingpu tribes. I give special attention to the accounts of the grounding of whales on Taiwan’s tidal flats, as well as the legends on Koxinga riding a whale. Taking categorical correspondences and Huang’s experience in Taiwan as my overall approach, I present the overlapping images of aboriginal space and locality.