法國第五共和自戴高樂執政起,即制定了獨樹一格的獨立自主外交政策,既不依賴美國,也不像蘇聯靠攏,正於此,法國成為第一個與中國建立邦交的國家。而法國對中政策除了在天安門事件與他國聯合抵制外,長期以來皆秉持務實外交、避談人權的態度,這種態度恰與法國民間倡議人權的立場相反,造成法國對中政策呈現「官民不同調」的情況。不過2017年馬克宏執政後,其外交政策中重視西方普世價值,對中政策也開始呼籲中國正視人權問題,甚至在訪中演說裡提出避免帝國主義、更加開放市場、制度透明化等呼籲,批判一帶一路的不是。本文認為,馬克宏將調整法國過去對中政策。 Since de Gaulle was in power, the foreign policy of French Fifth Republic has been independent. It neither rely on the United States nor the Soviet Union, and it became the first country to establish diplomatic relations with China. In addition to boycotting with other countries in June Fourth Incident, French attitude of French-Chinese relations has long held fast pragmatic diplomacy and has not contacted with human rights issues. However, the French public attaches importance to human rights issues in China, so it makes France's China Policy contrast official and folk positions. 2017, after Macron became president, he attaches importance to the universal value of the West and called on Chinato face human rights issues. During Macron visitedChina, in his speech, he appealed to China to avoid imperialism, more open markets, institutional transparency, and make trade system transparent. Based onabove, this study maintains that Macro will adjust the foreign policy towards China.