本研究選擇25點中國針灸書籍所記載與心臟血管活動有關之穴位,施針於85位醫學生,記錄其心電圖、血壓、及脈膊之變化,用以研究那些穴位對心臟血管活動較為有效。本實驗結果顯示有12點穴位效果較良好。施針於這些穴位時,有85.9 %的學生心動週期(心電圖R-R間距)延長,且較針刺前平均延長15 %以上,其增長均因T-P間距延長所致。在85人數中有65人試驗後其血壓降低。至於配穴施針效果,雖較單穴為佳,但並不呈代數和。這些效果,不外因針刺而引起有關之神經(或經絡)反射,而抑制心臟活動,心肌代謝作用降低,使整個心臟鬆弛,血管系阻力減低,而導致心動週期延長,脈膊減緩,血壓降低等結果。 Twenty-five meridian points were chosen in this report which used 85 students as subject. The electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and pulse rate of each point are recorded before, during, and after penetration, respectively. Only 12 points are shown sharp effect on electrocardiogram and among which were Feishu (B13), Yanglingquan (G34), Shenshu (B23), Huantiao (G30), Jianjing (G21), Daling (Cx7), Fengchi (G20), Zusanli (S36), Xinshu (B15), Jiexi (S41), Shenmen (H7), and Laogong (Cx8). Each of them can prolong R-R interval with an over 15% Longer than before penetration. Seventy-three persons in 85 persons (85.9%) was shown a prolongation of electrocardiogram wave and interval. The cause to which induce an increase of the duration of cardiac cycle was primarily due to extending T-P interval. The inhibition of excitability and conductivity of cardiac muscle and its involved reflexes induced by penetration causing hereby the relaxation of whole heart proved mainly the results of this experiment.