克麗緹娜於1989年在台灣成立,創辦人陳武剛博士,成立之初即以爆炸般的能量,迅速占領女性護膚市場,跨越海峽,1997年轉戰大陸市場,在大陸市場成立4000家連鎖店,遍佈大江南北,把卓越多樣化的克麗緹娜產品推向全世界,讓更多愛美人士左手美麗右手健康,享受幸福人生!2013年回台,F麗豐掛牌上市股票(4137),並於2015年至2017年連續三年榮獲台灣20大國際品牌獎,為美容業首例,業界唯一,2017年以新南向為目標,越南作為第一站,目前越南二家美容培訓中心與多家的連鎖加盟店,香港5家以上克麗緹娜連鎖店,未來幾年克麗緹娜加盟店市場鎖定東南亞、泰國、馬來西亞及印尼等國為進軍重點。 因此本研究欲探討克麗緹娜企業員工之顧客關係管理、行銷策略與經營績效關係之研究,進一步探討克麗緹娜不同背景變項之企業員工對於顧客關係管理、行銷策略與經營績效是否具有顯著差異。本研究以克麗緹娜企業員工作為研究對象,並採用非隨機的便利抽樣法的方式進行問卷調查,共發放250份問卷,回收232份問卷,扣除20份無效問卷,有效問卷212份,有效問卷回收率為91.38%。 本研究所得結論如下:1. 性別的不同對於顧客關係管理與經營績效具有顯著差異。2. 顧客關係管理對行銷策略與經營績效有顯著正向之影響。3. 行銷策略對經營績效有顯著正向之影響。4. 行銷策略在顧客關係管理與經營績效具有部分中介效果。 Christina was founded in Taiwan in 1989 by Dr. Chen Wugang. The business quickly occupied the female skin care market with the power of explosion and crossed the strait. Dr Chen established 4,000 chain stores in the Mainland and returned to Taiwan in 2013. In 2015, Chlitina won Taiwan's top 20 international brands, bring the business become the leader in the beauty industry. 2017 is the year for the business expansion into new orientation, among of that Vietnam is the first stop, and currently there are 2 beauty center of Chlitina in Vietnam, plus with a number of franchise stores. This study investigates the relationship between Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Strategy and Business Performance, and further explore whether the differences in the Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Strategy and Business Performance of the company's employees with different variables. This study takes the employees currently working as employee as the research object, and conducts a questionnaire survey using a non-random, convenient sampling method. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed, among received 232 questionnaires, there are 212 valid respondents and 20 invalid questionnaires which were deducted. The respondency percent is 91.38%. The study findings are as follows:1. Different genders have significant differences in Customer Relationship Management and Operating Performance2. Customer Relationship Management has a significant positive effect on Marketing Strategy and Operating Performance.3. Marketing Strategies have a significant positive impact on Operating Performance.4. Marketing Strategies have partial mediating effects on Customer Relationship Management and Operating Performance.