近年來,由於多媒體資訊科技的發達和個人電腦的普及,將影像及聲音透過數位方式來典藏已成為主要的趨勢,透過電子數位方式,不僅可將影音做永恆的收藏,還可以兼具方便瀏覽及收藏的便利性。故本研究結合時下最流行的RPG數位遊戲,設計一套多媒體軟體,讓使用者可以透過數位遊戲中角色扮演和闖關的方式,來做影像及事件的回顧,達到數位典藏的效果,除了增添趣味性外,亦可提高使用頻率及意願,讓可勾起回憶的工具不再只是那一本本厚重且容易被束之高閣的紀念簿冊,而是一套充滿故事性及趣味性的數位遊戲軟體,畢業生可以透過精心策畫的遊戲場景及生動有趣的互動內容,邊玩邊回味過去所留下的美好回憶。 Due to the development of multimedia technology and the popularity of computers, it has become a trend to save images and video in digital format. This has become popular not only because it allows these memorable records to be kept for the long term but also because it makes them convenient to brows. The interactive software used in this research is integrated with the concept of the Role Play Game (RPG). It allows the graduates to do role-plays and play games while they are reviewing the recorded images and events. Instead of having a graduation album in a wardrobe, this software is expected to increase user's interest and motivation to browse the records more frequently. The graduates will experience an interactive way to recall the shared memories. The School-based Curriculum.