90年代開始,東南亞女性與我國男性通婚逐漸增加,而隨著跨國婚姻的增加,新聞媒體也開始出現關於外籍配偶的負面評價,如:「假結婚,真賣淫」、「詐財,逃跑」。逐漸地,不少台灣民眾對於跨海嫁來臺灣的東南亞女性移民,抱持著某種程度的偏見與歧視。 近年來,雖然臺灣平均生育率下降,但是新移民對於生育確有重要貢獻,而隨著新住民第二代日增,這些孩子逐漸受到關注,許多研究指出,新住民第二代的學習成績表現低於臺灣人內婚所生的子女,並將原因歸咎於東南亞婚姻移民女性教育程度低、沒有教養孩子的經驗、教育價值與國人不同等,甚至有「基因較差」之說。然而,這些說法可能基於對她們的錯認所致,而忽略了家庭社經背景等非歸因於新住民身份的效果。因此,本研究採用2010年「屏東教育長期追蹤資料庫」當中的小學四年級學生及其父母為樣本,運用線性迴歸分析估計父母教育程度、父母的族群、孩子的性別等因素,對家長對子女期望教育之影響,研究發現如下:一、父親對於子女的教育期望,不因族群不同而有差異。二、母親對於子女的教育期望,不因族群不同而有差異。三、本國父親與東南亞女性婚姻移民結婚,本國父親對孩子的教育期望越高。四、東南亞女性婚姻移民對子女的教育期望,不低於本國人通婚女性。五、家長對子女的教育期望高低,受家長自身社經地位影響,家長的社經地位愈高,對子女的教育期望愈高。六、父親與母親不因子女性別不同而影響對子女的教育期望。 Since 90s, there were more and more Southeast Asian women getting married with Taiwan's men. With the increasing of intermarriage, more negative comments have been generated by media, and most people in Taiwan hold prejudice against those female marital immigrants from Southeast Asia. Averagely, the academic achievement of the child of the intermarriage spouse is lower than that of Taiwanese child. Some studies attribute this phenomenon to race, including the differences in culture and educational values. We argue those comments might are bases on prejudice. We use the 2010 "Pingtung Education Longitudinal Survey (PELS)" to estimate the effects of parents' race, education on parents' educational expectations about their child, the findings are stated as follows: 1. Father's educational expectations about child are not effected by father's race.2. Mather's educational expectations about child are not effected by mother's race.3. The male who married Southeast Asian female has higher educational expectations about their child.4. The female marital immigrants' educational expectations about children are as same as Taiwan women's.5. The major factor influencing parent's educational expectation is parent's socioeconomic status, the higher parent's socioeconomic status is, the higher educational expectations shall be.6. The educational expectations of fathers and mothers about their children are not affected by gender of children.