外籍配偶通常比本籍配偶更容易受到歧視。她們被以「外星人的子宮(alien wombs)」或「不適任的母親(unfit mothers)」當作生產機器來羞辱,甚至影響到新住民與其子女的關係。然而,從20世紀末開始,它被當作是爭取女性平等的訴求之一。透過深入訪談16名嫁來台灣的越南籍母親,並以女權主義觀點切入,其研究顯示:在不幸的婚姻中,母愛有利於用來擴展親密關係。這項研究發現,為了成為一個好的母親,越南籍配偶勇於嘗試在家庭成員之間建立一個和諧的家庭,通過對家庭和社會的付出,來改善人們對於越南籍配偶的不良刻板印象。最終,孩子們的信任與希望是越南籍配偶最大的榮耀。此研究結論為建立良好的親密關係可作為一種方法,透過母愛來達到性別平等,並獲得本地人對外籍配偶認可。 Immigrant women often encounter with more difficulties in mothering than local women. Stigmatization on their mothering as--alien wombs‖ or--unfit mothers‖ for reproductive role and it influences to next generation of biracial child. Intimacy, however, it is utilized as one of many strategies for the purpose of obtaining equality for women from the late 20th century. Drawing upon in-depth interviews with 16 Vietnamese immigrant mothers, feminist perspectives in research of mothering are used to extend how intimacy existing within an unhappy marriage. This research found that to become a good mother, Vietnamese immigrant women try to build up a harmonious family among family members, change bad notions about image of Vietnamese immigrant women through good deeds for family and society. Finally, the trust and hope in the children who will help them to change in a wider range of honor of Vietnamese immigrant women. This research concludes the intimacy can be used as a strategy for getting gender equality in mothering through improving ethnic identity in the host country.