2017年4月15日發生的「八田與一」銅像斷頭事件,再次引起對台灣過去歷史的爭議。「八田與一」是設計建造著名「嘉南大圳」的日本土木工程師,相對於日本殖民台灣時期整體上的毀譽參半,台灣各界對於八田與一及其水利工程建設的讚許,顯得已有共識。此次的銅像斷頭事件挑戰了這表面上的共識。事件發生後,各界的各種聲音紛紛浮現,一方面雖是普世性的譴責一切暴力行為,但也反思八田與一與嘉南大圳的真相究竟為何。八田與一這樣一個其實爭議性的人物,為何會出現普遍讚揚的情況?大眾媒體恐怕脫不了關係。在這個背景下,本研究大膽假設,八田與一及嘉南大圳其實就是在這種過分美化日本殖民統治的親日意識型態下,扭曲歷史所塑造出來的迷思與神話,透過提供正確的資訊,除了本身就有這種親日意識型態者,將不會再對八田與一及嘉南大圳抱持正面評價。對此,本研究將透過網路問卷調查加以驗證。 The incident of the vandalized statue of "Yoichi Hatta"happened in 15th of April 2017, which recalled the controversy of Taiwan history."Yoichi Hatta"is a Japanese civil engineer who designed and build up the famous "Chianan Irrigation", relative to the overall mixed reception during the period of Japanese-ruled Taiwan, compliment of Yoichi Hatta and his hydraulic engineering, construction seems to be a consensus by everyone of Taiwan society, but the consensus was challenged by an incident of the vandalized statue of "Yoichi Hatta". After the incident happened, different voice from society come out one after another, although one part of the voice is condemn the every violent behavior universality, another part of the voice also reflects the truth of Yoichi Hatta and Chianan Irrigation. How can a controversial character like Yoichi Hatta appear to be commonly complimented? The mass media were involved in it. Under this background, we boldly hypothesize that Yoichi Hatta and Chianan Irrigation is the myth created from twisted history under the over-beautification of pro- Japanese ideology during the period of Japanese occupation, through providing the correct information, and exception of pro-Japanese, there will ne no more positive evaluation regarding the Yoichi Hatta and Chianan Irrigation. Hence, this research will be verified through online questionnaire research.