從某種意義上來說,德勒茲似乎以不同的方式在他的所有著作中反覆地提問著「何謂事件?」這個問題。在《意義的邏輯》中,此問題以「何謂一個事件的表達?」被提出。於書中德勒茲展現了「意義」與「邏輯」這兩個在傳統哲學上隱含著本質式思維的詞彙,在透過斯多葛學派所啟發因而徹底差異於傳統世界對事件的思考及其表達,成為了與事件遭遇之時一道被生產出來之物。在全然有別於經驗的、因果的傳統世界的斯多葛式世界裡,無意義、非邏輯、弔詭與矛盾不再被排除在外,不僅意味著事物與意義(被表達者)不再具有某種預設的內在關聯,更基進地定義了何謂「全新」的意義。而對德勒茲而言,正是在這樣一個事件唐突就臨,卻無能援引任何既有邏輯與常識的斯多葛式世界之中,逼迫著我們必需得對「究竟發生了什麼事?」的事件進行思考。在《意義的邏輯》中,德勒茲由斯多葛學派所提出的語言邏輯,進一步地探究了事件的表達,並從事件何以成為被言說之對象的語言條件中,發展其獨特的事件哲學。 Working from Stoic philosophy of causalities to their expres-sion of the events, Gilles Deleuze's The Logic of Sense concerns it-self with logic, language and the paradoxes between sense and non-sense, or meaning and meaninglessness. Deleuze's exploration sep-arates two different kinds of worlds, one is the traditional world and the other is the Stoician world. Deleuze claims that the later one formed a new world which sense is in a paradoxical relationship to nonsense. In the light of this, we could not establish and follow the cause-effect relationship any longer as we used to do in the tradi-tional world but enter to a Stoician world which fights against a tendency to cliché and attempts to force us to think what has hap-pened exactly when the event occurs. This book not only introduces Deleuze's philosophy of the event, but also his deployment of para-dox as a generative technique of thought that allows for the true event of language to unfold.