烤肉已成為台灣民眾過中秋節的主要休閒方式,但同時亦造成嚴重的環保問題。本研究採用計畫行為理論探討民眾中秋節烤肉時之環境行為。我們於2014年秋節後調查嘉義地區烤肉的民眾282人,發現:現今台灣民眾普遍具有正面的環保態度,在中秋節烤肉時亦傾向作出負責任的環境行為但仍會考慮便利性。知覺行為控制及主觀規範對民眾的環境行為意向有顯著影響且前者的影響力較強,但環境態度則無。顯見中秋節烤肉時,民眾主要考量在於享受親友團圓的和樂氛圍,故在這項每年一次的休閒活動上,以現場的法規落實程度、環保便利性與同行親友的規範為環境行為的主要考量,個人的環境態度則暫時拋在腦後。建議政府應強化中秋烤肉場所的環保便利性並確實執法,才能達成「不要讓嫦娥笑我們髒」。 This study probes the environmental behavior of people during Moon festival barbecue. We apply the theory of Planned Behavior to investigate the relationship between the environmental attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control belief and intention of the people. The result shows the subjective norms and perceived behavioral control have significant influences to the behavior intention and the former variable has a higher influence on the behavioral intention, and the environmental attitudes does not. We suggest that the government should reinforce the Law enforcement officers to prevent people doing not some environmentally friendly behaviors, and increasing the amount of the environmental recycle facilities to make people more convenient to do environmental behaviors in the field of the barbecues, so people can have a better leisure environment during the Mid-Autumn festival.