海洋休閒運動的興起,帶動臺灣潛水產業的成長。許多休閒潛水者的不當行為,破壞了珍貴的海洋生態,為了能減緩破壞行為的發生,潛水領導階級者在執行及教育潛水者的過程中扮演非常重要的角色。本研究旨在探討潛水領導階級者從開始接觸潛水到成為領導階級後對於海洋環境保育之認知與行為的變化。過去探討潛水領導階級者的相關研究較少以質性研究做為取向,因此,本研究透過質性深度訪談18位從事休閒潛水的領導階級者,訪談內容經分析歸納出潛水領導者對於海洋環境態度之轉變具有兩個層面。研究最後亦針對潛水產業提出管理意涵,做為未來永續海洋環境保育之參考。 The rise of marine recreation has led the growth of recreational diving industry in Taiwan. The misbehaviors of recreational divers have destroyed the precious marine ecology. In order to mitigate the amount of vandalism, senior scuba divers play important role in educating divers. This study aims to explore the changes in the perception and behavior of marine conservation from the early to final stages of becoming a diving instructor. In the past, the related research on senior divers was less oriented toward qualitative approach; thus, this study used qualitative research methods to conduct an in-depth interview with 18 senior scuba divers, the interview content was analyzed and summarized. The results showed that the changes of these senior divers' attitude toward the marine conservation could be divided into two aspects. Finally, this study also proposed management implications for the diving industry as a reference for future sustainable marine conservation.