自台灣加入 WTO 之後,藥品市場的自由化,而此不僅意味著藥品的利潤空間將因 此受到壓縮,亦代表在面臨日益競爭的壓力下,藥品品質與銷售服務的水準必須提昇才 能因應此一競爭趨勢。近年來資訊科技不僅與人類的日常生活結合,且衍然成為企業面 臨競爭的利器。因此,如何運用資訊科技與合作廠商鏈結以降低經營成本並有效提升經 營優勢,已成為台灣地區藥廠必須深思的課題。 本研究旨在瞭解台灣地區藥廠實施供應鏈管理的現況與未來趨勢,並探討影響台灣 地區西藥廠採用供應鏈管理的關鍵因素。研究母體為台灣地區人體用藥之西藥廠,並依 據 2002 年 9 月之「台灣工業產品資訊網」統計之人體用藥西藥廠為調查對象,共寄出 172 份問卷,有效回收 71 份問卷,有效回收率為 41.28%。研究結果顯示:相容性、集權 化程度、正式化程度、相對利益、資料整合需求是影響台灣地區西藥廠採用供應鏈管理的 關鍵考量因素。 After Taiwan join the World Trade Organization, the liberalization of pharmaceutical industry have been increased the competition between pharmacists and constricted the profit on medicines. The way to deal with the competition force is to promote the quality and sales service. In recent years, IT became a powerful tool to increase the quality of management. However, many pharmaceutical factories still not use new information technology to assistant management instead of the traditional management method. Hence, how to use IT to reduce the cost of pharmaceutical factory operation and to achieve better efficiency and effectiveness became one of key issues in pharmaceutical industry. The purpose of this study is to understand the current status and the future trend of pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan. We will discuss the critical factors on pharmaceutical industry adoption of supply chain management in Taiwan. The samples of pharmacists come from the list of Taiwan Industry Net, 2002 September. Totally 172 surveys were mailed, with 71 having completed data usable for subsequent analysis, yielding an effective response rate of 41.28%。Two kinds of purposes are considered in this research. One is to understanding the relationship between customs and supplier. The other is the key successful factors in adopt SCM. The study shows that Centralization, Formalization, The benefits of SCM, The need of data integration, and compatible with old systems are the keys factors for successful business.