星雲大師宿世因緣幼年皈依佛門出家為僧,1949 年遷居來台講經說法光大佛法,倡導人間佛教渡化眾生的理念,破除愚癡邪見達到淨化人心為目的,創立文化與教育等諸多機構遍植各地,深受十方善信大德對大師學習及敬仰,1967 年於高雄創建佛光山寺,附屬機構遍佈世界各地,達成「佛光普照三千界;法水長流五大洲」之弘法利生目標。本篇論述星雲大師的慈悲願力,倡導人間佛教思想啟蒙眾生,達到社會祥和安樂。在九十年生命歲月裡,經歷那些不斷考驗過程,成為首要論述焦點。藉由星雲大師著作人間佛教書籍中,以慈悲開示啟蒙大眾獲得幸福快樂,由大師的文學著作敘述著佛法在世間,有哪些生命實踐與教化做為論述焦點。在人間佛教的理念之下,對生活、教育兩方面,有蘊藏何種社會影響及實踐為論述重點。 Master Hsing Yun was converted to Buddhism as a monk in his childhood. He moved to Taiwan in the year of 1949 to teach Buddhist scriptures and promote Buddhism, to advocate the concepts of Humanistic Buddhism in order to liberate human beings, and to get rid of ignorance and evil for purifying the minds of human beings. Master Hsing Yun established many cultural and educational institutions around Taiwan. A huge number of believers learn from him and admired him greatly. He established the temple Fo Guang Shan in Kaohsiung in 1967 and now its affiliated institutions are around the world, which achieves the ideal of that the Buddha's light shines on the three thousand realms and the stream of dharma flows through out the five continents, and realizes the purpose of advocating Buddhism and benefiting human beings. This study discusses the compassionate wish of Master Hsing Yun to advocate Humanistic Buddhism and to enlighten all human beings for social harmony and peace. In his past 90 years of life, the continuous challenging tests experienced by Master Hsing Yun serve as the primary focus of this study. Master Hsing Yun compassionately enlightened the public about how to be happy in his books on Humanistic Buddhism. The focus of discussion of this study is to summarize the actual practice and lessons in daily life described in his books about Humanistic Buddhism. This study emphasizes on the social impact on and the practice in life and education resulted from Humanistic Buddhism.