星雲大師為宏揚人間佛教的豐富思想,創作了三千多則清言、哲思語錄體──定名《佛光菜根譚》,並在自序中明言仿擬明代大儒洪自誠的《菜根譚》,學習他簡潔雋永的格言形式。然而全書在表達的形式上,並非千篇一律,而是運用排比對偶、層遞錯綜、映襯回文,以及譬喻轉化等各種富有變化的文學修辭技巧,因此,本文擬從修辭學角度來分析《佛光菜根譚》的修辭特徵,探討全書在形式技巧上的多樣性,以期讀者更能欣賞此書文質並重的特色。 To enhance the abundant thoughts of Buddha, Master Hsing Yun has created more than 3000 philosophical sayings in the book named “Buddhahood Vegetable Roots Sayings”. He wrote in his preface that this book imitated the expression style of “Vegetable Roots Sayings” written by Hon Tze Chen-one of the Confucians during Ming dynasty. While the rhetoric used in this book are various and multiple such as parallelism, climax, metaphor, and metonymy etc. In this article the rhetoric styles of “Buddhahood Vegetable Roots Sayings” were introduced for better appreciation with its readers.