台灣餐飲業規模己近四仟億,在餐飲業的同質性高競爭白熱化下,如何迎合消費者的需求,將是餐飲業者能否永續經營的一項重要關鍵因素,近年來若干不肖業者的食品品質使消費者有健康之虞,也讓消費者對餐飲業的選擇上更加嚴謹,因此本研究並採用Lutz(1991)所提出由認知-情感-行為三者所組成之ABC模式,結合Lavidge and Steniner(1961)及Kotler(2000)提出反應層級模式理論探討顧客行為意圖。本研究調查以大台中都會區餐廳消費之顧客,共發出300份問卷,有效回收問卷數288份。研究結果發現:食品品質為顧客行為意圖的驅動因子,在顧客互動需經由情感因素才能影響行為意圖,因此消費者的購買行為,是經由一連串的反應漸進而來的。品牌形象具干擾效果,所以具高品牌形象的餐飲業,會降低顧客心中知覺風險,相對的提高顧客心中正向價值,有助於強化顧客行為意圖。 The gross income of restaurant industry in Taiwan is reaching four hundred thousand million. That results in increase of homogeneity and competition. It has become an important factor to continually operate the business successfully for how to keep adjustable for satisfying consumer demand. Recently, more and more consumers become careful when make a decision for selecting restaurants due to negative news of food quality. According to the ABC model if Lutz (1991) and the reaction model of Lavidge & Steniner (1991) and Kotler (2000) as my research foundation. My research is about the customers in Taichung, and I sent out 300 questionnaires, there were 288 questionnaires available. The results of this study are as follows: food quality is a driving factor behind customer behavioral intentions; therefore, customer interaction must include emotional factors to affect behavioral intentions; thus, consumer consumption behavior is gradually formed through a series of reactions; and brand image possesses a moderating effect. A positive brand image can lower customers' perceived risk, thereby enhancing their internal positive value and reinforcing customer behavioral intentions. In this study, we adopted three listed and well-known food and beverage brands in Taiwan as the primary research subjects. The study results contribute to management in the food and beverage industry and future development trends, as well as enhance marketing efforts. The results of this study may serve as reference for the food and beverage industry regarding future operation and management directions.
運動休閒餐旅研究/Journal of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Research 8卷4期 pp.49-76