2013年1月22日,菲律賓正式通知中國,該國根據1982年《聯合國海洋法公約》附件7對中國提出了仲裁的程序。本文旨在探討南海爭端中《聯合國海洋法公約》和國際法的角色,而且特別側重於菲律賓對中國提起訴訟的意義。本文將說明菲律賓《關於西菲律賓海通知和聲索陳述狀》提出的法律問題。事實上,菲國之前提出「和平、自由、友誼與合作區」的倡議,其內容即為菲國提出仲裁案的主要內容。因此,本文首先將介紹「和平、自由、友誼與合作區」的主要概念,然後分析此訴訟對南海海域有關海域聲索可能造成的影響,包括中國在南海九段線地圖之內海洋空間聲索的權利和管轄權。 On 22 January 2013, the Philippines officially notified China that it had instituted arbitral proceedings against China under Annex VII of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This paper will examine the role of UNCLOS and international law in the South China Sea disputes and will focus in particular on the significance of the case instituted by the Philippines. It will explain the legal issues raised by the Philippines' Statement of Claim. In fact, Philippines government's proposal for a Zone of Peace, Freedom, Friendship and Cooperation (ZoPFF/C) in theregion in 2011, which had the main concept like the Philippines Statement of Claim for arbitration? This paper will analyses the possible impact of the case on the disputes concerning maritime claims in the South China Sea, including China's claim to rights and jurisdiction in the maritime space inside the infamous nine-dash line on the Chinese map of the South China Sea.