面對東亞海域領土爭端的升高,既有的亞太地區安全機制似乎既無 「信度」更無「效度」,令人反思亞太地區是否需要新的地區安全機制; 如果的確如此,應該採取什麼樣的形式,值得探討。東亞地區安全問題 的解決或至少問題的管理已日趨重要;因此,新安全機制必須能夠應對 亞太安全環境的動態,因為安全問題已經影響到地區穩定。中共和印度 的崛起引發各種安全挑戰與影響;此外,跨國和非傳統安全問題,以及 南海潛在衝突和朝鮮半島不穩定等傳統安全問題,使各國決策制定者、 學者、分析家意識到區域在解決潛在危機的制度安排確有缺失。本文回 顧並評估亞太地區既有的安全機制,然後提出亞太地區安全新機制的多 重對比。本文認為,不斷演變的地區安全機制將是在漸進和既有機制的 基礎上前進;然而,缺少臺灣參與的亞太安全機制(尤其是南海問題) 顯然欠缺正當性,而「東海和平倡議」作為亞太次區域的安全機制,將 有助於亞太整體安全機制的提升。 In the face of rising territorial disputes in the East Asia, Asia-Pacific regional security mechanisms seem to be neither reliable nor valid, making many to ponder whether the Asia-Pacific region needs new regional security mechanisms; if so, what type of a mechanism they should be. Given that it is increasingly important for East Asian regional security issues to be solved or at least managed, new security mechanisms should be able to respond to the dynamics of the security environment in the Asia-Pacific. The rise of China and India is challenging and influencing the regional security. In addition, cross-border and non-traditional security issues as well as traditional ones such as potential conflicts in the South China Sea (SCS) and the instability of the Korean Peninsula are raising an awareness among decision-makers, scholars, and analysts of the shortfall of existing regional security mechanisms in managing potential crises. This paper reviews and assesses existing Asia-Pacific regional security mechanisms and compares possible new security mechanisms for the Asia-Pacific region. It argues that the regional security mechanisms will evolve gradually on the existing basis. It also believes that any regional security mechanism without Taiwan's participation (especially in the SCS issue) obviously lacks legitimacy and holds that the East China Sea Peace Initiative can serve as a sub-regional security mechanism to facilitate the overall effectiveness of the regional security mechanisms.