中共自2013年推出「一帶一路」倡議後,至今已五年有餘。本文採取國際關係理論中的多邊主義分析途徑,探討過去五年中共在中東歐及東南亞「帶路倡議」的方式、進展與阻力。「帶路倡議」的重點包括:水壩、發電廠、公路、鐵路、港口及能源等基礎建設項目,本研究發現,過去五年,中國大陸在基礎建設項目取得頗多的進展,但亦使部分國家陷入「債務陷阱」;中國大陸「一帶一路」多數項目因其透明性不高且部分違反國際規範,受到歐盟及美日印等大國之質疑、反對並另提計畫與之抗衡。未來中國大陸能否在中東歐、東南亞乃至於全球各區域順利推動「帶路倡議」,將視中共採取的多邊主義模式能否妥善化解「帶路倡議」沿線國家的疑慮及大國之反制。 It has been five more years since the PRC launched the "One Belt One Road" initiative in 2013. By adopting multilateralism approach in international relations theories, this article will explore the progress and resistance of China's "Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)" in Central and Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia in the past five years. BRI focuses on infrastructure projects like dams, electricity power plants, highways, railroads, and energies. This research finds that China make a lot of progress on these infrastructure projects in the past five years, however, these projects also let some countries falling into "debt-trap". Because lack of transparency and some projects violating international regulations, many of China’s "One Belt One Road" projects were questioned by major powers in the world like the EU, the US, Japan and India. These major powers even propose alterative projects to challenge the BRI. Whether China will smoothly promote the BRI in Central and Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and other areas of the world or not, depends on the ability of multilateralism framework that China adopted to resolve the concern of the countries along the line of the BRI and resolve the counter measures from the major powers.