《百年佛緣》系列傳記,記錄星雲大師的生活、社緣、文教、僧信、道場、行佛等六個人生面向,不僅為大師修行生活的全面寫照,百年來佛教界諸多人事亦並敘其中。本文以《百年佛緣》為本,嘗試於傳統僧傳脈絡下,考察星雲大師傳記的接續與發展;並進行橫向的文本分析,討論星雲大師傳記的敘事方式,以及佛教人物的形象描繪與塑造。期望能藉此了解傳記突顯的情節與主題,以及敘事特點給予讀者的閱讀感受。 “Buddhist affinities across 100 years”written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, recorded the life progress of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. This thesis analyzed and discussed the narration of “Buddhist affinities across 100 years”, from the perspective of narrative context, including narrative perspective, story plot, narrative time and space, characters’ personality, and characters’ conversations. This article will Study on Manifested theme of Buddhism biography, and the influence and significance for readers.