本研究探討心理師經歷受苦生命經驗之後,其專業生涯承諾發展的歷程,以瞭解心理師從非專業助人者到半專業助人者,進而成為專業助人者時,受苦生命經驗對個人專業生涯承諾的影響。本研究以深度敘說訪談的方式蒐集資料,繼而將訪談資料依範疇和主題分類後,以「主題—摘要—訪談文句(作為佐證)—分析」等順序加以呈現。研究結果顯示心理師的受苦生命經驗與死亡議題有關。其中她碰到的有好友自殺死亡、被課業壓力逼到想死,以及遭遇橫禍差點被砍死等。但受苦生命經驗亦讓心理師體會到這個行業具有認真看待生命及負有社會責任的嚴肅意義。求學過程雖然辛苦,但心理師堅持到底,不從學習的挫折中退卻,如此一來也增加她在專業發展上的能力感。經歷九死一生的搶劫事件後,心理師驚覺應該要更積極地去面對生命,不能虧待所擔任的責任或職務,也希望在自我超越的同時,帶頭起示範作用,鼓勵他人超越自己。最後,根據研究結果,研究者提出問題的詮釋與理解。 This study explored the professional career commitment process of a counselor with some suffering life experiences. It aimed to understand how the suffering life experiences impacted a counselor's progress from nonprofessional to paraprofessional and finally to professional. Data in this research is collected by in-depth narrative interview and analyzed according to the ”theme-summary-transcription-analysis” sequence. The results showed counselor's suffering life experiences were death-related events. Those experiences made counselor reflect that her professional had serious meanings for the clients and our society. The counselor changed her study attitude, didn't withdraw from keeping learning, and therefore improved her professional competence. After being robbery, the counselor understood that she should face life positively and took the professional responsibility seriously. She demanded herself to do more preparation, stimulate other colleagues to develop potential, and construct her own helping theory. A detailed descriptions and illustrative quotations from the interviewee were presented and discussed.